You will find SCHWALBE bike tyres in the USA, in South Africa as well as in Japan and Australia. In Europe, we are even the market leader! There are two reasons for this success.
Firstly, we are "tyre fanatics" and 100% committed to bikes as well as, for several years now, to wheelchairs.
Secondly, our tyres are not available everywhere, but exclusively from specialist shops! Because we insist on qualified advice and good service.
And we know: Only the specialist trade can provide both.
Schwalbe is the brand. Bohle is the company.
Owned by the family Bohle since its establishment in 1922, the company is now being managed by the third generation.
Schwalbe international.
Headquarters in Germany, subsidiaries in France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands and USA/Canada. Distributors in over 40 countries. Production partnership with the Korean tyre manufacturer, Hung-A, production in Indonesia.
Schwalbe UK Ltd
Schwalbe UK Ltd started life in 1985 as Double J (Midlands) Ltd., which was set up to specialise in the supply of parts to the wheelchair and bicycle industries, by its present Managing Director, Philip Taylor and his brother, whose background had been in bicycle manufacturing.
In May 2008, Schwalbe UK Ltd moved into a purpose-built, ultra-modern facility in Telford. Its storage capacity is double that of its previous warehouse and can currently store up to 750,000 tyres and 2.1 million tubes.
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